



假设你在一家总部设在威奇托的公司工作, 堪萨斯, 你的目标是降低制造成本, 提高产量和生产更接近您在天津的客户, 中国. You have a factory in Prestwick, Scotland, but you think you can get closer. 作为威奇托的居民,你必须做出选择. Congratulations – you just stepped into the shoes of one of our customers, Spirit AeroSystems, a few years ago when they made the leap to expand internationally.
如果你像勇气号一样,你也面临着非常相似的决定. 现在你要去更多的地方, 发货到更多的地点,与新的竞争对手竞争, 全球化正在推动你向国际扩张. 无论你是一个美国人.S. 制造商想要扩张到亚洲或美国 寻求在美国扩张的欧洲制造商.S., you first have to decide where you will locate your facility – but, where do you start?

Although there are hundreds of considerations to make when locating a new manufacturing facility, this blog will highlight seven key 位置 considerations every manufacturer should think through before selecting a 位置. Throughout the blog, take a moment to ask yourself the suggested questions.

1. 原材料

  • 制作你的产品需要什么?
  • 你们的供应商在哪里?

每一件产品都从原材料开始, so one of your first considerations should be the 位置 of those materials. 它们要运多远? Be sure to keep your options open and explore alternative suppliers to find the most cost-effective solution for your new 位置.

2. 产品装运

  • 你们要把成品运到哪里?

Before deciding where to locate, you also want to consider where your product is going. You want to find a 位置 that does not drastically affect your speed to market while also being cost effective.

3. 劳动

  • 未来地点的劳动力供应情况如何?
  • What skill sets must the workforce have to successfully run your facility?
  • 他们必须知道什么才能生产出高质量的产品?

You may find a great 位置 that satisfies both your 原材料 delivery and product shipment needs, 但是如果你没有足够的劳动力来运营工厂, 那你就犯了一个代价高昂的错误. 在探索新的国际地点时, be sure that the prospective area has a suitably trained workforce that can help your business succeed.

4. 位置基础设施属性

  • 最近的公共设施在哪里?
  • 场地的物理特征是什么?
  • What is your proximity to the services needed to maintain your facility?

Physical attributes are key when selecting the site where you plan to build your greenfield manufacturing facility. 如果需要做大量的工作,使网站合适, 确保投资会得到回报.

5. 经济刺激措施

  • How can your business benefit financially from locating in a particular area?
  • 你想避开哪个区域?

在一些地区, 特别是在国际上, you can be offered some great benefits by providing a boost to the local economy. Some of those can be extremely helpful, and others you may want to avoid. 许多制造商与 澳门足彩app咨询顾问 以确定哪些诱因将被最好地利用.

6. 营商总成本

  • 税收是什么?
  • 进口原材料要花多少钱?
  • 设施占用/运营成本是多少?

It is vital for every manufacturer to understand what the implications will be if they choose to do business in an unfamiliar international 位置. The government and the political system play an important role in the future of your business, 所以要确保你的团队意识到真正的成本, 直接和间接, 在那里做生意.

7. 生活品质

  • 你的团队会如何享受在你未来居住地的生活?

如果你像其他跨国制造商一样, 你很可能会把一个被指派的团队搬到那个新设施. 为了让这些忠诚的员工开心, 你要考虑他们和他们家庭的生活质量. 花点时间调查一下这个地区的安全情况, 住房, 学校制度和其他可能影响他们日常生活的因素.

你是如何回答这些问题的? 你对自己的答案满意吗? 你认为他们需要更多的思考吗? Remember, these seven 位置 considerations are only the tip of the iceberg. There is a range of considerations to make when selecting an international 位置. Without being aware of all of the key factors, your 全球化 effort is in jeopardy.

If you would like to discuss more 位置 considerations for your company in particular, please feel free to contact 澳门足彩app’s international manufacturing expert, 保罗西弗吉尼亚威.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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