澳门足彩app’s data-driven analysis and a deep understanding of the complex 乳制品 business provided vital insights to transform two of 一个大的 national grocer’s 乳制品 plants to meet its ambitious production targets over the next decade.



Learn how innovative analytics and strategic planning provide crucial insights for complex 乳制品 projects, 从而提高效率和客户成功.


以支持其快速增长的乳制品业务的积极战略, 一个大的, 全国食品杂货连锁店需要一个值得信赖的 设计合作伙伴 这可以监督其扩大生产能力的每一步, 从建议必要的改进到按时交付交钥匙设施.

公司雇佣澳门足彩app不仅仅是基于它作为架构的声誉, 工程 and construction (AEC) leader that perennially leads industry rankings in 乳制品 manufacturing solutions but also on its best-in-class analytics practice that is defining the future of the design-build industry.

澳门足彩app delivered a master plan that will transform two of the grocer’s 乳制品 plants to meet its ambitious production targets over the next decade – and exceed them if demand presents the opportunity. The foundation of this successful project was 澳门足彩app’s data-driven analysis and a deep understanding of the complex 乳制品 business, 这为如何使公司获得成功提供了重要的见解.

“A data-driven analysis provides crucial insights that are the guiding light for a complex project like this, 跳过这一步就像在黑暗中飞行,Zary 佩雷茨说, 澳门足彩app的二级项目分析师 系统分析部. “我们的客户很幸运, 澳门足彩app has become a leader in analytics thanks to years of heavy investment and attention.

The 澳门足彩app Systems Model allows 澳门足彩app's customers to explore their future forecasts from raw materials all the way through finished goods. 它使团队能够为执行哪个项目做出正确的选择, 当, 使投资回报最大化,满足未来的生产需求.

“当客户雇佣你是因为他们不知道自己需要做什么, 澳门足彩app坚信,全面分析是制定正确总体规划的唯一途径. Our team is pioneering the future of design-build by integrating an analytic approach as the first step of the project. 我将其称为分析-设计-构建.”

澳门足彩app’s first step in the project was visiting the company’s 乳制品 production facilities. 在那里, the team closely observed operations and existing infrastructure and gathered data from every stage of production. 佩雷茨, 他是一名工业工程师,在哈斯克尔公司工作了六年, said the team used what it had learned and the data gathered to build a manufacturing systems model that served as the north star of its design process.

“The systems model is an easy-to-use tool built in Microsoft’s Power BI that allowed us to explore each step in the production process, 从原料摄取到生产到包装再到运输, 并透露了我们提议的项目将如何影响产出. 相反, the systems model precisely showed us how capacity at each stage of production needed to increase in order to meet output goals,佩雷茨说.

以系统模型为指导, 澳门足彩app created a master plan with a list of capital improvements and facility upgrades and a detailed timeline for when each project would need to be completed to meet production milestones during the next 10 years. 澳门足彩app also revealed ways in which the grocer could avoid costly upgrades simply by optimizing its current facilities.

“有一次, we found a very achievable opportunity to improve efficiency on the milk receiving operations by 20%,”她说。. “这样就不需要增加额外的接收舱了, 这显然为客户节省了一大笔钱. We couldn’t have done this without the systems model and the work performed during our analysis phase.”

澳门足彩app is now executing construction and systems installations as part of the initial phases of work recommended by the master plans. 感谢澳门足彩app的详细分析, companies enjoy the confidence that these investments will deliver their desired return and position their businesses to accomplish its ambitious goals.

“我们最大的骄傲是回头客,”佩雷茨说. “This was the second master plan project with the same customer, and they trust our partnership.”

澳门足彩app,我们将客户的目标视为自己的目标. We innovate constantly to ensure that we deliver world-class solutions with the best possible effectiveness, 效率和表现. 澳门足彩app讨论您的设施需求.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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