坎迪斯Kofsky, center, 与工艺设计工程师Mat Mathai, 左, 和工艺项目工程师Eric Tindall. Kofsky, 高级工艺设计专家, has deep knowledge of the alternative protein industry after spending several years working for Impossible 食物s before joining 澳门足彩app.


Alt-Protein专家坎迪斯Kofsky Bridges R&D、生产世界

在Impossible 食物s工作多年后,科夫斯基精通工程学和R&D,将两者结合起来,创造出可用于商业生产的设计.


打入一个不断增长的利基市场并不容易 alternative-protein公司 在全球范围内努力从R&D and pilot-plant operations to full-scale production have found a knowledgeable and industry-savvy partner in 澳门足彩app.

拥有数十年的乳品经验, 制药和生物制药行业, 澳门足彩app is replete with subject matter expertise in the very process 工程 and unique equipment required for the manufacture of alternative protein.

与主题专家见面. 1:坎迪斯·科夫斯基, 高级工艺设计专家 who helps set 澳门足彩app apart in space with her biochemical 工程 background and nearly a decade working in alt-protein manufacturing.

Kofsky于2018年加入澳门足彩app,担任高级流程设计专家. 她的职责很广泛, ranging from planning capital projects and developing value-工程 solutions to nurturing client relationships. 她的职责反映了她在这一领域15年来所获得的全部知识.

科夫斯基说:“我的职业生涯是从制药行业的一家初创公司开始的. “经过六年围绕分子和酵母提取的新工艺开发, 我回到了研究生院.”

Returning to Missouri University of Science and Technology led to not one but two master’s degrees, 生物化学工程和工程管理, 再加上项目管理证书. She spent the next four years designing a single-use reactor at a bioreactor original equipment manufacturing (OEM) supplier before moving on to Impossible 食物s, 领先的植物性肉类生产商. 正是在科夫斯基在Impossible 食物s工作期间,她被介绍给哈斯克尔.

“这是我在植物性食品行业的旅程的开始,”她说. “I was taking bench-scale information and processes that the scientists were generating and helping them find operations that were scalable, 首先是试验设施,然后是商业生产.”

Plant-based protein products currently make up 最大的 share of the overall alternative protein market, 它利用三种主要来源:大豆和豌豆等植物, 微生物,如真菌和酵母, 动物细胞.


Kofsky’s extensive experience has been invaluable as 澳门足彩app has developed a significant presence in the alt-protein industry, 哪一个在最近几年——请原谅这个双关语——如雨后春笋般出现. While the non-meat alternatives products may not yet exactly match animal protein in taste, 质地和价格, 他们正在迅速缩小差距. 据估计,他们将会弥补 至少占整个蛋白质市场的11% by 2035.

澳门足彩app is established in alternative drinks market thanks to its vast experience in the dairy industry; processing cow’s milk is largely similar to processing soy, 燕麦和杏仁奶. 现在, 该公司正在进军该行业的发酵领域, 这就是考夫斯基的专业知识的用武之地. 她正在帮助哈斯克尔与其他客户讨论替代肉类和其他蛋白质.

“坎迪斯真的很了解这个过程, 条款, 以及生产这些产品需要什么,杰夫·皮尔斯说, 澳门足彩app工程总监和首席食品工艺工程师. “她了解这些公司试图做的事情的许多细微差别.”


Many alternative-protein公司 are startups formed by scientists looking to build their first commercial platform. 与乳制品生产商不同的是,他们没有现成的可以改造的工厂.

皮尔斯说:“与我们交谈的很多人仍处于试验阶段。. “They’re trying to scale up production to make their product viable for sale to the public.”

Producing alternative protein products is more complicated than typical 食物-processing operations, 所以科夫斯基的亲身经历对创业公司来说是天赐良机. 她欣赏这些挑战, 了解生化过程和所有的设备, 其中一些是该行业独有的.

“我一直站在客户这边,”她说。, “所以我知道蛋白质需要什么, 膜是如何表现的呢, 以及pH值或温度是否会成为问题. 在指定一件设备时,我可以精确地提出要求, 我知道什么时候可以控制和清理一个过程.”


清洗是任何食品加工操作的一个重要方面, Alt蛋白市场也不例外. 因此,知识要透彻 就地清洁(CIP)和就地蒸汽(SIP) 对哈斯克尔的客户至关重要. 在试验厨房里生产食物是一回事. 在工厂生产食品和保护食品不受污染是完全不同的.

“我们理解 3-A卫生标准, 我们理解清洁性, 我们了解乳制品行业几十年来的所有规则,皮尔斯说。, 谁自1991年以来一直在这个行业. “自从我们加入澳门足彩app以来,我们也成为了制药和发酵方面的专家. 现在我们把所有的知识带到替代蛋白行业.”

了解如何制作设备, 比如船只, 填料, mixers and heat exchangers cleanable and how to make the entire 食物-production process repeatable is a 澳门足彩app core strength, 所以它只经营消耗品行业.

“We're not going to go out and design a process for a nuclear plant or an oil refinery,皮尔斯说. “我们了解食品行业及其规章制度, 我们了解检查员,知道他们在找什么, 我们都知道行话.”


澳门足彩app’s focus on the 食物 industry allows it to offer clients two closely linked 工程 services: process design and automation. 它的大多数竞争对手要么做其中一件事,要么做另一件事,但不会两者兼而有之. 这是替代蛋白市场的关键, 尤其是对于希望扩大规模的新生产商.

“实验室里的科学家们会想出一个在实验室里很有效的方法,”科夫斯基说. “但 when you try to put that into a pilot plant to get to 一个大的r scale, it’s not always practical. Suddenly, they're not getting the yield they're expecting, which affects all of the downstream steps.”

如果实验室里的条件不能在工厂里完全复制, 没有商业上可行的产品. So, the aim is always the same: design a robust process that delivers the same yield and quality on a repeatable basis and meets all 食物-safety standards.

However, there’s no formula for identifying equipment that is scalable for 食物 production. 这是一种艺术形式——科夫斯基是哈斯克尔的驻地艺术家. 她擅长设计设备,使工艺在商业规模上成为可能. 她还会说科学家的语言.

皮尔斯说:“大多数科学家说话的水平是工程师们无法理解的。. “但坎迪斯真的理解他们的术语. She can interpret PhD-level conversations and make it so everybody else can understand and then get on with their job.”

That’s Kofsky’s true magic – her ability to act as an interpreter between 工程 and R&D, mesh the two and arrive at a feasible design that can make a commercially viable product. Her communication and business development skills combined with her scientific knowledge and practical experience enable her to ask the right questions and get the right answers.

“当一家另类蛋白初创公司问我们是否有能说他们行话的工程师时,皮尔斯说, 我们可以说, “确定.没有多少公司能这么说.”

澳门足彩app to leverage the deep expertise of 坎迪斯Kofsky and all of industry-leading professionals on 澳门足彩app’s 澳门足彩app Solutions team in scaling your startup’s dazzling bench science to a profitable production setting.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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