



克里斯弗拉格, AE集团运营负责人, 花点时间回答关于关键问题的五个问题 for municipal and post-secondary professionals and how the right approach can relieve their challenges.


1. What do you see as the biggest challenge for municipal clients in today’s environment?

简单的答案总是指向资金, 但在我看来, 这更多地与客户真正理解愿景的价值有关. 说到设计, 你必须从一个清晰的开始, 主要决策人的战略攻击计划. 从市长到城市管理者再到城市规划人员, it takes an appreciation for creative planning to see what it can do to elevate the status of a community.

依市的演讲, there is a great movement afoot to change the paradigm of the typical planning processes. 城市对城市景观的规模更感兴趣, 从建筑物正面, 街景和建筑物之间的空间. The integration of these elements all lend to providing a more pleasing environment for the 行人.

街道, 例如, are being considered more like public spaces; not primarily for the automobile, 但是对于骑自行车的人来说, 行人和替代交通工具. 现在正在开发更有创意的排水组件, 街景画, 行人安全及使交通平静. 它们一起工作以创建更加用户友好的环境.

Post-secondary education markets have been strapped by the economy the last few years, 但现在该行业内部出现了一些似乎更为积极的动向. 我们目前正在与高层机构合作, 增长迅速, 协调我们的优势和他们的需求.

对我们过去的关系采取一种精致的、战略性的方法是关键. 随着我们内部服务实力的不断增强, 我们可以有意地为每个潜在客户量身定制我们的方法.

2. 澳门足彩app是如何帮助客户克服这些挑战的?

By consistently securing and delivering successful projects like we have been, we can build momentum and carry that expertise beyond the borders of 佛罗里达. 我希望我们在这两个市场都是全国知名的. 以我们现有的人才水平,没有理由不能实现这一目标.

With collaborative opportunities, clients will experience our full range of design-build services. 通过实现我们作为前端设计实体的综合优势, 我们可以在不断变化的市场中支持我们的客户. 设计问题!

3. 你对景观建筑有着明显的热情. 告诉我们更多关于这项服务如何帮助你的客户.

The beautiful thing about this profession is that it enables me to see the big picture. 环顾四周. Essentially everything from the ground up is an opportunity for improvement. By developing an early entry of a project through design – whether it is an 城市设计 issue, 社区规划机会, 运输, 任何与城市改善有关的事情, neighborhood or community – I’ve been trained to consider all the elements of connectivity so that its 审美 and function can be maximized through good design.

随着越来越多的客户意识到这一点, 他们正变得更加开放地投资于能够实现这一目标的项目, 并将, 提高生活质量.

4. 你对杰克逊维尔市产生了巨大的影响. What can you take from your urban planning experience to other cities looking to develop?

Knowing what I know about navigating through Jacksonville’s development 规定 offers great knowledge in how to deal with other city processes!  It takes a great deal of local knowledge to deal with any city’s level of review. I’ve had the benefit of embedding myself over the last decade in multiple city endeavors, 组织, 委员会, 等., and have made many political contacts – all enhancing my experience in navigating these processes. It’s been extremely helpful to know the level of acceptance and appreciation for projects prior to moving forward with them.每个城市都有未开发的潜力. The value of vision, once defined, will always lead to a greater sense of community.

5. What interesting trends do you see on the horizon for urban planning/education/municipal?

The biggest trend is in the processes related to the development of more sustainable, 多功能空间和建筑. 现在一切都开始与使用的多样性有关, 无论是城市空间, 停车场, 街道或校园设施. 我们考虑这个空间或建筑可以容纳多少用途. That, to me, can be a drastic improvement in our way of thinking as creators.

技术当然也是一个机会. 以虚拟体验为例. 当它涉及到人类的经验, the way we use a space or facility directly affects our ability to plan on so many levels. This, I believe, defines the opportunity to become more creative in the early phases of design. With vision, there could be such an expansive approach to historically ordinary items. 景观成为自给自足的生态系统. Material and natural resource re-use in all elements of design becomes commonplace. 街道, for instance, can become usable public spaces safely enjoyed by all. Parking garages can become multi-functional works of art that you just happen to be able to park within. Spaces between buildings in the urban environment can become activity hubs for gathering, 娱乐或沉思的用途. 这些都是新趋势的例子.

We utilize 城市设计 principles in both the municipal and education arena. 这一切都是为了创造一个令人愉悦的、多功能的环境. 每个人经历过的地方都知道一个好地方. We aim to continue creating those memorable experiences for our clients using high design. 专注于客户的目标, we can position ourselves to be the recognized resource to deliver those experiences.

6. 你还有什么要补充的吗? 你想分享什么有趣的事实吗?

事实上,是的. 我对水彩画有真正的热情. My profession has enabled me to exploit my drawing, rendering and illustration skills. 这导致了我对水彩的热爱,对我来说,水彩是最具表现力的媒介.

我画画时更倾向于现实主义, 而是因为水彩是如此的自然, 它让我自然放松. 我喜欢空中绘画, 户外和现场, 这样我就可以快速做出决定,而不是纠结于细节. 我的主题很广泛, 通常我感兴趣的, 但总体来说, 我喜欢画任何有个性的东西.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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