

We helped take an upstart plant-based protein manufacturer from the lab to 一个大的-scale food processing facility.

随着植物蛋白市场继续呈指数增长, more and more innovative companies are finding new ways to simulate meat products without affecting animals or 环境 resources. 但是对于很多这些尖端的供应商来说, scaling up production from a small lab to a facility capable of meeting high demand can be tricky. 澳门足彩app was contracted by a confidential client to accomplish this feat and help them launch its first large-scale processing facility.


为了降低成本, our client decided to purchase and convert an existing food processing facility rather than investing in a new greenfield solution. 我们以前有重新利用和巩固现有设施的经验, 这通常包括评估哪些二手设备可以保留, 更新系统布局, 重新安置公用设施和工艺管道以适应新计划.

对于这个项目, 我们利用工程技术, 采购和施工(EPC)项目交付模式, 其中我们设计了新的工艺和包装系统, 采购所有必要的设备, 并进行了启动和调试. The new semi-automated process system included a refrigerated product handling and packaging room with HEPA filtration and spiral freezing for the final product. We also added a Clean-in-Place (CIP) system that was right-sized for this plant to minimize wasted resources while providing the highest levels of food safety standards.

我们还与客户合作,使他们的包装系统完全自动化, 包括研磨/粉碎步骤, 混合, 批处理, 交通工具, 形成, 密封, 冷冻和装箱. 这有助于客户创建一个清洁器, safer environment for product preparation while also reducing the required manpower needed to operate the facility.


随着越来越多的消费者转向植物性蛋白质, 我们客户的产品需求持续快速增长. 但是有了新的, highly automated facility they are able to keep their products on the shelves and expand their flourishing customer base.

  • 改造现有60000平方英尺的设施
  • 18000平方英尺致力于植物蛋白汉堡的加工和包装
  • 半自动加工系统
  • Multilevel access platforms, piping, pumps, valves, tanks, mixers, transfer panels and CIP system
  • 全自动包装系统,包括研磨/切碎, 混合, 批处理, 交通工具, 形成, 密封, 冷冻和装箱
业务发展、规划副总裁 & 发展


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