Daniel McElhaney在从事建筑业之前从事过各种工作,现在是澳门足彩app地区安全主管.


‘安全 Dan’ 值 His Army Service and Role in Desert Storm

“我们在军队里被教导如何接受每个人的本来面目,并学会如何与人交谈. 哈斯克尔体现了这一点.


大多数人都称他为“安全丹”.这个绰号很符合丹尼尔·麦克哈尼作为地区安全主管的个性和地位, 他在全国各地审计哈斯克尔项目的安全条件.

“我每天都来上班, 我认为安全,麦克哈尼说, a 丹佛-area resident based out of the company’s Jacksonville, 佛罗里达, 总部. “我们的工作是发现和识别工作场所的危险,这样就不会有人受到严重伤害或死亡. I know I can find something at a job site that could hurt somebody. 每一天,我都自豪地为低事故水平而努力,最终,零事故. Every job is different, so that keeps me hopping.”

McElhaney, 53, grew up in California and Colorado and spent four years in the Army, 在沙漠风暴中服役. 他以中士的身份退役,并说他的服役时间为他的职业生涯做好了准备.

“We fought the bad guys and came home,麦克哈尼说. “我在那里负责防空. It was an honor to go over there and fight for our country. 我的军旅生涯教会了我很多关于组织和如何领导一个团队的知识.”

Following his military service, McElhaney worked a variety of jobs. He drove an armored truck and then a semi. 他在拉斯维加斯当了六年酒保. He became certified as a nurse’s assistant. 最终, 磨坊工人的角色使我能够阅读施工文件,并了解现场安全的重要性. 他自2006年以来一直是建筑安全专业人员,自2021年以来一直是澳门足彩app团队成员.

“在所有这些工作中, 尤其是调酒, 我和各种各样的人打过交道,从首席执行官到只是在街上找一杯水喝的人,麦克哈尼说. “Different people, but they all deserve the same level of respect.”

麦克尔哈尼的例行公事通常是持续一周的工地视察. During an October trip to a food manufacturing project in Topeka, 堪萨斯, he met with the on-site safety team and conducted a safety audit, 在此期间,他发现了一个缺乏适当规格的街垒, 确保起重机和索具就位,并与团队一起展望未来三周的任务. He then reviewed his report with on-site leadership.

“At 澳门足彩app, everybody is the same,麦克哈尼说. “Different ethnicities, different people. 我们在军队里被教导如何接受每个人的本来面目,并学会如何与人交谈. 澳门足彩app embodies that by being acceptant of who you are. 以身作则是在军队工作的另一个重要收获.”

麦克尔哈尼说,各种各样的评估工作网站让他保持了热情, 他很享受他的安全职业生涯,他正在哥伦比亚南方大学攻读职业健康和工业卫生学位.

“I can come off pretty boisterous,麦克哈尼说. “But 澳门足彩app accepted me for the interview and who I was. 我相信你雇的老兵越多, 军人们在战时所承受的压力是积极的. 这对公司来说是件好事. We’re used to handling just about anything.”


澳门足彩app自豪地雇用了美国武装部队的退伍军人,目前雇用了100多名以前为我国服务的团队成员. 为了纪念退伍军人节,哈斯克尔.com this week is spotlighting one of them daily. 此外,澳门足彩app每年都会向我们团队的每位老兵赠送一份特别的感谢礼物.

As 澳门足彩app grows rapidly across the 美国, 拉丁美洲和亚太地区,以满足新老客户的需求, 退伍军人 continue to play an ever-increasing role. 那些为国家服务的人懂得使命、结构、结果和责任. 他们与澳门足彩app的团队、卓越、服务和信任的核心价值观完美契合.

你有兴趣从军队转到一个充满活力的职业吗, growing company that provides nearly unlimited opportunities? 澳门足彩app了解更多信息.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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